Learn English for free!

Having fun is the best way to learn anything. We have collected an extensive list of different resources you can use to learn English for free! Whatever it is that you enjoy, we’ve got you covered.

Read a book!

Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks! You can choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. There is no fee or registration – everything you can find here is free to anyone.

Listen to an audio book!

Loyal Books is an amazing collection of completely free public domain audiobooks and ebooks. They also offer best sellers for those who want the newest books, but most of the books are completely free. If you prefer listening to audio books, you’ll find an extensive selection of free books to enjoy.

Watch a movie!

If you prefer spending your spare time in front of a screen, Youtube offers hours of entertainment, including this list of free timeless classics.

Learn about football!

Did you know that the British Council has a page dedicated to learning English that is all about football? If you are a football fan, you should definitely check out Premier Skills English. Here, the subject of the lessons is always related to football.

Listen to music!

Spotify lets you listen to millions of songs for free from all over the world. Not only can you listen to music that you already know and love, but it’s a great tool to discover new artists as well. You can also view the lyrics of most English songs, which is useful for improving your reading skills.

Find your favourite podcast!

With Spotify, you can listen to numerous podcasts for free. In addition to genres such as true crime, comedy, or news & politics, there are also many educational podcasts. These are just some of the podcasts that may help you learn English for free:

  • Plain English – this podcasts covers current events and news stories while simultaneously teaching you new words and phrases.

  • The English We Speak – one of the largest English listening resources available on Spotify with around 200 episodes. In each episode, they take a phrase and use it in different conversations, which is great for beginners.

  • English at Home Is Fun – an amazing resource for learning casual, informal English. In each episode, the hosts talk about games, food, books, and other everyday topics.
  • Grammar Girl – if you’d like to improve your grammar and communication style, check out this podcast which deals with everything grammar related.

  • Kids’ Audiobooks – a great collection of audiobooks based on famous kids’ movies: Peter Pan, Hercules, Finding Nemo, etc.

Get inspired!

TED Talks are inspiring and educational videos from expert speakers on any topic imaginable: education, business, science, tech and creativity. Best of all, each video comes with subtitles in many different languages.

Play a game!

Games to Learn English is a great resource for students to practice English in an engaging and fun way. What makes this site different from other similar sites is the fact that it is more geared towards students. This means that there are fewer text-based instructions and the games are quite easy to figure out.

Learn something new!

Why not combine learning English with learning something else?

  • edX is a free learning platform founded by Harvard and MIT. They deliver courses for curious minds on topics such as data and computer science, leadership, engineering, psychology, biology, communication, and many more.

  • Alison is one of the world’s largest free learning platforms for education and skills training. They’re dedicated to making it possible for anyone to study anything, anywhere, at any time, at any subject level, for free and online.

Of course, if you would like personalised help with reaching your language learning goals, we are happy to help. Write us an email or give us a call to receive your special offer!

Contact us!

Lejla is an English language enthusiast, teacher and trainer dedicated to creating an enjoyable, inviting and dynamic learning atmosphere for children, teenagers and adults.